Subject: Re: windows drivers on netbsd?
To: None <>
From: Wojciech Puchar <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/06/2003 10:02:38
> > layer.
> I don't think one contradicts the other. If the emulation layer works
> effectively, you can use new hardware *at once*, not just some month
> later if someone wrote a driver. Have you ever used Linux emulation?
> It's not like Linux emulation is crucial but it's very nice that I
> can use it. It's not like everything is open-source.
i actually use it to run opera and netscape. only in case when some broken
www pages cannot be displayed well with links-gui...
and linux emulation actually works sometimes even faster than real linux,
because of better disk I/O and virtual memory manager in NetBSD.
> > if first - looks like manufacturers are not interested in NetBSD
> > users...
> Well, maybe they haven't even heard about NetBSD at all. Saying "If
> you don't give me a driver for my OS or at least the specs, I won't
> by your hardware!" doesn't even work for Linux - which (I assume)
> has a bigger marketshare than NetBSD. Also the availability of drivers
> doesn't mean the manufacturer is interested in NetBSD or will
> officially provide any drivers for his products.
it works well. but not directly. not buying from one manufacturer means
buying from other that gives hardware docs and/or NetBSD drivers.
others will sell more.
good example is cyclades company - they started to do things that has
hardware documentation good enough to write any drivers for any OS....
> > (WET-11's are damn cheap now.... about 70$ in Poland and connects
> > through 10baseT ethernet - up to 300 metres of cable from
> > computer/switch to radioport).
> Fine. So what? You don't always the choice, especially if you have
> a limited budget and/or if use a notebook.
with notebook - PCMCIA adapters.
70$ for external ethernet-connected radio doesn't look a lot... USB
devices are not much cheaper (if at all)