Subject: Re: rc.d problems "updated"
To: None <>
From: Sebastian Prause <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/28/2003 09:54:36
On Tuesday 28 October 2003 06:19, you wrote:
> I am having problems with rc.d scripts. I am trying to start some stuff byu
> running
> "/etc/rc.d/linuxrtc start" and nothing happens. I can run modload manully
> and it works fine but not with the rc.d scripts.
> If I run "/etc/rc.d/linuxrtc stop" then it says "linuxrtc not loaded"
> So I know that they are executable and accepting parameters. It is almost
> as if it doesnt understand the start paramater. It does this with all rc.d
> scripts. I am running netbsd-1-6 fully up to date and runnnig these as
> root. Any ideas??
you need the line "linuxrtc=YES" in /etc/rc.conf for the start script to
actually start something