Subject: Re: Disabling certain "Ctrl+Alt" keypresses
To: None <>
From: Christian Biere <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/26/2003 21:44:49
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Matthias Buelow <> wrote:
> Phil Pereira writes:
> >I've found out that this happens at ANYPOINT while the system is
> >running - so even at the CLI a "Ctrl+alt+Backspace" will kill my
> >computer!
> check your bios for powersave settings; I've got a board
> (ecs k7s5a) that powers off disk drives etc. when it sees
> a ctrl+alt+bs
FYI, I've just found out that this somewhat annoying "feature" is
disabled if you compile a kernel with ACPI instead of APM support.
At least, that's with NetBSD 1.6ZD but I guess it works with
older versions as well.
Though, "shutdown -r now" or "reboot" won't work then (for me).
Fortunately, "shutdown -p now" does work with ACPI too - which
is more important for me.
[I've added you to CC: due to the huge latency of my response.]
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