Subject: Re: How to run OpenBSD binaries under NetBSD?
To: Jaromir Dolecek <>
From: Oliver Egginger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/21/2003 18:46:23
> There is no support for running OpenBSD binaries under NetBSD.
O.k. I didn't know that.
> It would be best to try to get a Linux binary probably,
> if it's possible.
It's the same for the Linux binary, but never mind I found a work
around. (There is a linux system in the same computer cabinet. I will
shut down the NetBSD box from there.)
I test one another linux ELF binary. This one works! I'am amazed that a
linux binary can be loaded and executed by NetBSD.
- oliver
Am Die, 2003-10-21 um 16.49 schrieb Jaromir Dolecek:
> Oliver Egginger wrote:
> > we are using i386 architectures. Is it possible to run programs, which
> > are compiled for OpenBSD, under NetBSD (if they are compiled for i386)?
> There is no support for running OpenBSD binaries under NetBSD.
> > Stupidly this tool only exists for OpenBSD. It's an ELF binary.
> According to
> it is available for others unices too. Are you sure you use
> OpenBSD variant? It's not listed as supported OS there.
> You can use 'file rccmd' to identify the binary.
> > I'am using the binary distribution of NetBSD 1.6.1 on an i386
> > architecture. Also the rccmd tool was compiled and linked for i386er
> > architectures and OpenBSD (according to the manufacturers'
> > instructions).
> It would be best to try to get a Linux binary probably,
> if it's possible.
> Jaromir
Oliver Egginger <>
Fachhochschule Giessen-Friedberg