Subject: Re: 120GB HD
To: None <>
From: gabriel rosenkoetter <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/14/2003 10:28:03
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On Tue, Oct 14, 2003 at 12:47:51PM +0000, Sergio Jimenez wrote:
> I'm not sure, I'm not a programmer, and correct me if I'm wrong
> please this file for wdc driver or is it for both wd &
> wdc drivers...
wdc is the driver for the Winchester Device Controller, and wd for
the drives itself.
Any timeouts for probing and recognizing devices would be in wdc,
regardless of whether or not its a drive-specific quirk.
You sure you changed the same timeout?
Not sure I love the idea of making the timeout to probe devices on
wdc several orders of magnitude longer just because one vendor's
device doesn't respond quickly enough (which would be why that patch
never made it into the mainstream). Unfortunately, this can't just
be a regular quirk (since you don't know whether or not you're
dealing with the broken hardware till after you've detected it).
You may want to file a PR referencing the older one.
gabriel rosenkoetter
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