Subject: Re: RFC: root on raidframe howto
To: Martti Kuparinen <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/07/2003 08:34:40
On Thu, 7 Aug 2003, Martti Kuparinen wrote:
> Martti Kuparinen wrote:
> >
> >
Looks good to me. Just a quibble: you install the bootloader to wd1,
but it's never tested. It's probably not good to recommend swapping
cables at that point, but if the BIOS supports switching, it would be
nice to know that your hot backup disk is bootable on its own. Maybe
at least "boot wd1h" from wd0's bootloader, since you could always
download a bootable floppy if there were something wrong with wd1's.
For a finishing touch, I'd suggest making /netbsd a symlink into the
bootstrap file system, even though it may not be strictly necessary.
I actually went as far as making my bootstrap file system stand-alone
bootable, by adding /rescue and a minimal /dev and /etc, but I think
most folks would find that to be unnecessary. I did it so I could
force re-configure the boot file-system with a larger queue size. I
quickly found that if that's made to be any higher than "127",
"raidctl -s" will display it as a negative number. Has any else run
into that?