Subject: Re: RFC: root on raidframe howto
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Martti Kuparinen <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/07/2003 09:24:32
Manuel Bouyer wrote:
> A better way of doing it is to add a line to the fstab:
> /dev/wd0b none dump dp
>># raidctl -s raid0
>> /dev/wd1a: optimal
>> /dev/wd9a: failed
> After reboot, wd9a won't come as wd9a, but as 'component1'.
>># raidctl -S raid0
> As far as I know, raidctl -S doesn't show the progress bar.
Yes it does. I have tried this on 1.6.1 and it works great.
I have updated the draft, please take a look at
And as before, comments are welcome. I have also switched
to the use-multiple-raid-devices configuration as suggested
by Frederick.
I have rebuilt my server from scratch with these instructions
(by copying everything with mouse) and it seems to work just