Subject: Re: Make index
To: None <>
From: Chris Fuhrman <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/18/2003 08:13:39
The make index process does seem to be fairly time-consuming. I was
running it on a 1.2GHz AMD Athlon and it ran for 3 -> 4 days before a
hardware problem caused the computer to crash (it's in the shop now).
I shudder to think the month(s) it would take to run this process on,
say, a SPARCstation 2.
Nicholas Ricketts wrote:
> I am trying to run "make index" in /usr/pkgsrc and it is taking forever.
> I have read some posts that is does indeed take serveral hours to complete
> but the posts were from years ago.
> Does this process still supposed to take several hours. Or has this problem
> been fixed and I'm doing something wrong? Any helpon generating the needed
> inex file would be nice. Thank you.
Chris Fuhrman | Twenty First Century Communications | Senior Software Engineer
(W) 614-442-1215 x271 |
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