Subject: recent linux emul signal changes and 1.6.1
To: None <>
From: Stephan Thesing <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/15/2003 19:33:31
the latest changes to the rt signal delivery in the linux emul code
finally made the Java 1.4.1 plugin for netscape 7 useful for viewing Java 2
applets loaded from the net (locally stored applets worked even before, but
viewing applets from the net hang the plugin...)
Thanks a lot for these changes:-)
It would make a lot of my users happy, if it would be possible to backport
these changes to 1.6.1...
Do the changes depend on the other changes to the global signal handling in
Can they be backported to 1.6.1?
I am willing to help if someone points me to the things that have to be done
for the backport.
Best regards.....
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