Subject: Re: Laptop recommendations?
To: Port-i386 <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/03/2003 12:06:47
In message <>, Jukka Marin writes:
>I'm hoping to get a new laptop to run NetBSD (and maybe xp, because of
>this cad package). Are there any exceptionally good ones when it comes
>to NetBSD compatibility? How about ones that I should avoid?
ThinkPad. The A31p "just works", except for the winmodem. USB works, CardBus
works, display card works, CD burner/DVD works, wireless works, Bluetooth
would work if we did anything with it, firewire works, ethernet works, serial
and parallel ports work...
Okay, so I don't think there's any driver support in NetBSD for the video in
and out.
>I'd like to have a decent display (1280x1024 or more), built-in Ethernet
>and CDRW/DVD, 512 MB of RAM, > 2 GHz CPU, and a WLAN interface, if I can
>use it under NetBSD.
My ThinkPad A31p does that (1600x1200 display, 640M ram) except that the CPU
is only exactly 2Ghz.