Subject: Re: Laptop recommendations?
To: Jukka Marin <>
From: Antti Kantee <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/03/2003 13:50:23
On Wed Jul 02 2003 at 22:42:42 +0300, Jukka Marin wrote:
> I'm hoping to get a new laptop to run NetBSD (and maybe xp, because of
> this cad package).  Are there any exceptionally good ones when it comes
> to NetBSD compatibility?  How about ones that I should avoid?
> Are any of the built-in WLAN interfaces supported by NetBSD?
> How about Intel vs. AMD - are the Intel chipsets supported better than
> those of the laptops with AMD CPU's?
> I'd like to have a decent display (1280x1024 or more), built-in Ethernet
> and CDRW/DVD, 512 MB of RAM, > 2 GHz CPU, and a WLAN interface, if I can
> use it under NetBSD.

My previous one (dell latitude c600) worked flawlessly except for the
modem.  But I guess that doesn't help you here ..  Currently I'm under
the impression that APM/ACPI is the biggest question mark.

> My old problem still applies: I don't think I can try NetBSD on a laptop
> before actually purchasing one and I don't want to make a mistake..
> Thanks for any suggestions,

If you have physical access to the laptop before purchase, you could
try booting the NetBSD Live CD.

Antti Kantee <>                     Of course he runs NetBSD                
                 "connoisseurs do not chill their malts."