Subject: Re: speeding up bzero
To: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/14/2003 12:15:05
On Apr 14, 8:34am, jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU (Jonathan Stone) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: speeding up bzero
It is time for the {ov,}b*() functions to bite the dust.
| In message <>,
| Jason Thorpe writes:
| >
| >On Saturday, April 12, 2003, at 06:56 AM, David Laight wrote:
| >The kernel has always had "ovbcopy()" for overlapping bcopy. So, I'd
| >think bcopy() should behave like memcpy(), i.e. not bother checking for
| >overlap.
| This sounds like a bad idea: yes, the kernel has had ovbcopy(), but on
| at least two of our ports, bcopy() has historically checked for
| overlap and given userspace-bcopy() semantics.
| Why change it (potentially introducing breakage) if it ain't broken,
| and if we're meant to be using memcpy()/memmove() anyway?
-- End of excerpt from Jonathan Stone