Subject: Re: Linux extended-extended partitions
To: Alan Barrett <>
From: Michael Richardson <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/15/2003 19:27:26

>>>>> "Alan" == Alan Barrett <> writes:
    Alan> Try mbrlabel(8) with the "-w" flag (to update the in-core label)
    Alan> but without the "-r" flag (to not update the on-disk label).

  I didn't know that mbrlabel could do this. I thought that it just
installed partition tables.  (Disk actually has 4 installs of RedHat,
thus the weird partitions. 
  Nice to have mbrlabel.  It is new (to me).

istari# mbrlabel -w wd1
Found Linux Ext2 partition; size 1044162 (509 MB), offset 63
  skipping existing Linux Ext2 partition at slot e.
Found Linux Ext2 partition; size 8385930 (4094 MB), offset 1044225
  skipping existing Linux Ext2 partition at slot f.
Found swap partition; size 2104515 (1027 MB), offset 9430155
  skipping existing unused partition at slot g.
Found Linux Ext2 partition; size 16161390 (7891 MB), offset 64243935
  adding Linux Ext2 partition to slot a.
Found Linux Ext2 partition; size 1028034 (501 MB), offset 11534796
  adding Linux Ext2 partition to slot b.
Found Linux Ext2 partition; size 8401932 (4102 MB), offset 12562893
  adding Linux Ext2 partition to slot c.
Found Linux Ext2 partition; size 1028097 (502 MB), offset 20964888
  adding Linux Ext2 partition to slot i.
Found Linux Ext2 partition; size 8401932 (4102 MB), offset 21993048
  adding Linux Ext2 partition to slot j.
Found Linux Ext2 partition; size 2104452 (1027 MB), offset 30395043
  adding Linux Ext2 partition to slot k.
Found Linux Ext2 partition; size 8385867 (4094 MB), offset 32499558
  adding Linux Ext2 partition to slot l.
Found Linux Ext2 partition; size 23358447 (11405 MB), offset 40885488
  adding Linux Ext2 partition to slot m.

13 partitions:
#        size    offset     fstype  [fsize bsize cpg/sgs]
 a:  16161390  64243935 Linux Ext2      0     0         # (Cyl. 63734*- 79767*)
 b:   1028034  11534796 Linux Ext2      0     0         # (Cyl. 11443*- 12463*)
 c:   8401932  12562893 Linux Ext2      0     0         # (Cyl. 12463*- 20798*)
 d:  80418240         0     unused      0     0         # (Cyl.    0 - 79779)
 e:   1044162        63 Linux Ext2      0     0         # (Cyl.    0*- 1035*)
 f:   8385930   1044225 Linux Ext2      0     0         # (Cyl. 1035*- 9355*)
 g:   2104515   9430155     unused      0     0         # (Cyl. 9355*- 11443*)
 h:  68870655  11534670     unused      0     0         # (Cyl. 11443*- 79767*)
 i:   1028097  20964888 Linux Ext2      0     0         # (Cyl. 20798*- 21818*)
 j:   8401932  21993048 Linux Ext2      0     0         # (Cyl. 21818*- 30153*)
 k:   2104452  30395043 Linux Ext2      0     0         # (Cyl. 30153*- 32241*)
 l:   8385867  32499558 Linux Ext2      0     0         # (Cyl. 32241*- 40560*)
 m:  23358447  40885488 Linux Ext2      0     0         # (Cyl. 40561 - 63734*)

Updating in-core disk label.
istari# mount -t ext2fs /dev/wd1m /mnt 
mount_ext2fs: /dev/wd1m on /mnt: Device not configured

istari# ls -lta /dev/wd1m
brw-r-----  1 root  operator  0, 524300 Feb 15 19:18 /dev/wd1m

Is it possible that my kernel config is missing something to permit
additional partitions in the list? no, it won't even let me mount wd1a.

Note that "disklabel wd1" produces a different answer. Maybe it's version
got installed first. I'd hate to have to reboot to deal with this?

]       ON HUMILITY: to err is human. To moo, bovine.           |  firewalls  [
]   Michael Richardson, Sandelman Software Works, Ottawa, ON    |net architect[
] |device driver[
] panic("Just another Debian GNU/Linux using, kernel hacking, security guy"); [
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Finger me for keys
