Subject: old Toshiba lapdog was Re: Parallel port ethernet drivers?
To: None <>
From: Robert F. Schaefer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/25/2003 15:39:18
----- Original Message -----
From: "Rick Kelly" <>
To: <>
Cc: "J. Blank - NetBSD Mailing Lists" <>;
Sent: Saturday, January 25, 2003 2:18 PM
Subject: Re: Parallel port ethernet drivers?
> Lennart Augustsson said:
> >I had such a driver around 1995 until I accidentally fried my ethernet
> >adapter.
> I have have an ancient Toshiba Satellite with a 386 and Windows 3.1 plus a
> Xylink parallel port ethernet adapter. However, the Toshiba can't boot
> anything but Windows as it gets it's system config from a special area on
> the hard disk.
Would this be any relation to a T4600? I've got one sitting beside me. I
haven't been able to get it to boot via floppy, but my only attempt so far
is to insert an OS/2 install disk (that turned out to be bad). Shouldn't be
too big a problem to map whatever sectors the config lives in to a partition
and then not use it, as long as it's not in the bootsector or something.
Anyone have a T4600 running anything other than M$ windoze?
> --
> Rick Kelly