Subject: pkg_install compilation failure
To: None <>
From: dkwok <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/17/2003 10:02:53
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I have downloaded the latest pkgsrc.tar.gz from NetBSD-current.
However when update the pkg_install, it failed to compile. At this is
the first step before any further update can be done to your packages. I
was struck basicly.
The Makefile of the pkg_install had a misssing "}" at the line:
PREFIX:= ${PKG_TOOLS_BIN:C|/[^/]?bin$||
it should be
PREFIX:= ${PKG_TOOLS_BIN:C|/[^/]?bin$||}
Hope it would be helpful to point this out. The newbie like me would
save a lot of time pulling my hair when it did not work out.
David Kwok
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Subject: Compilation failure - pkgtools/pkg_install
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I have downloaded the latest pkgsrc.tar.gz from NetBSD-current.
However when update the pkg_install, it failed to compile. At this is
the first step before any further update can be done to your packages. I
was struck basicly.
The Makefile of the pkg_install had a misssing "}" at the line:
PREFIX:= ${PKG_TOOLS_BIN:C|/[^/]?bin$||
it should be
PREFIX:= ${PKG_TOOLS_BIN:C|/[^/]?bin$||}
Hope it would be helpful to point this out. The newbie like me would
save a lot of time pulling my hair when it did not work out.
David Kwok