Subject: Re: slow FTP speed?
To: None <>
From: Martijn van Buul <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/14/2003 09:02:50
Mike Cheponis wrote:
> I have 3 NetBSD machines, all connected with 10 base-T, call them A, B,
> and C.
> A's FTP throughput get (bits going into machine) 110 KB/sec
> put (bits leaving machine) 60 KB/sec
> B's is around 950KB/sec, get or put
> C's is around 560KB/sec, get or put
This reminds me of a problem I had myself. I had 4 machines on a hub,
and throughput between A and B was dead slow (4 KB/s, if at all). However,
A-C, A-D, B-C and B-D was going as expected. I even managed to get things
worked around by screwing up A and B's netmask, and having them route
everything through my router.
After replacing A's nic, things work perfectly. So I'm starting to think
that somehow the NIC got fried. Have you tried swapping NICs?
Martijn van Buul - -
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