Subject: Re: Keyboard doesn't work correctly
To: yo _ <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/04/2003 15:50:47
On Sat, 4 Jan 2003, yo _ wrote:
> When i start NetBSD (1.6) and i am in console mode, not x, when i press
> buttons like pageup, pagedown, or delete it doesn't do the desire command
> instead it sends the raw keyboard commands (or at least what netbsd
> interprets them to be) for example the "up" directional buttoms displays an
> "^[[A".
Interpreting the arrow keys is a function of your shell. In "/bin/sh",
for example, "set -o emacs" will make the up arrow key recall the last
command. Check, too, that the arrow and page keys work under "less";
if they do, there's really nothing wrong with the keyboard mapping.
> I tried trying to set the keyboard in the wscons.conf file, but it
> says "WSMUX_AUTO_DEVICE IS NOT SET" or something like that. I have a PS/2
> keyboard and mouse. Does anyone know a solution to this? thanks