Subject: Re: NVIDIA binary driver
To: Brian A. Seklecki <>
From: Quentin Garnier <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/28/2002 10:03:24
Le Sat, 28 Dec 2002 01:38:27 -0500 (EST)
Brian A. Seklecki a écrit :
> On Thu, 26 Dec 2002 @ 11:24pm (-0500), Sean Davis wrote:
> SD> Well, it (sorta) works for me. It loads, the kernel finds nvidia0,
> SD> and X starts and gives me a pretty nvidia logo when it starts.
> SD> Xvideo works perfectly with mplayer, but if I try heretic2-demo, the
> SD> screen goes black and I have to blindly-type a login/reboot on a
> SD> different vconsole. Also, I have the problem others have mentioned
> SD> where console is dim if not totally black after exiting X.
> SD>
> SD> Back to non-enhanced video for me until this is a little more
> SD> stable, but good work so far!
> SD>
> SD> -Sean
> SD>
> SD> xvinfo, dmesg, and XFree86.0.log follow.
> SD>
> SD> xvinfo:
> ...just curious, what does glxinfo(1) offer?
glx isn't possible yet. NVidia binaries are compiled for FreeBSD, so first
there'll be libraries issues, and then it's possible they use some FreeBSD
features we don't do the same way (just as the /dev/mem ioctls I had to
implement to make nvidia_drv.o work).
I have finished porting the sysctls (their code was a bit of a mess, and
FreeBSD and NetBSD handle sysctls in completely different ways), and I
will soon make available a NVIDIA_GENERIC kernel with an updated XFree86
binary and a sysctl binary to make testing easy.
Quentin Garnier -
"Feels like I'm fiddling while Rome is burning down.
Should I lay my fiddle down and take a rifle from the ground ?"
Leigh Nash/Sixpence None The Richer, Paralyzed, Divine Discontents, 2002.