Subject: Re: Flexibility of IPSec IP range configuration
To: I-Wei Chen <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/25/2002 18:40:13
> Recently, I use KAME/IPSec to establish tunnels with other commercial
> products. I find most of them can support 'range ip address' which
> means they can specify ip range in the policy like this :
> ~ (i.e. 100, 101, 102..199, 200)
> However, KAME/IPSec can only specify ip range in the form of IP/Prefix_Length,
> that can't match ip range ~
> So, tunnel can't be established because IKE checks whether these two tunnel endpoints have
> the same SA information.
> Will new KAME/IPSec support more flexible IP range configuration ?
even in the latest KAME tree there's no support for IP address range.
we have no plans on this one.