Subject: Re: Recommendation on laptops, notebooks or portables for NetBSD.
To: Greg Troxel <>
From: D'Arcy J.M. Cain <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/19/2002 06:32:35
On December 18, 2002 09:23 am, Greg Troxel wrote:
> There is no ps/2 keyboard/mouse input - you are expected to use USB
> (there are 2 USB ports). There is VGA, s-video out, and
> parallel/serial.
My new Toshiba 1900 doesn't even have serial. Luckily the USB port works
just fine if I attach a USB serial cable to it.
> All in all, I'm happy with it. The only serious downsides are that
> you can't buy it without MS Windows, and the price ($3150 for all the
> above).
Isn't there still a way to get your money back from Microsoft? This is all I
could find.
I have another problem with my laptop. The Lucent Softmodem (aka Winmodem)
of course won't work so I popped in a 56K PCMCIA card (Zoom Telephonics 56K
Dual Mode PC card faxmodem) but I can't get it to work. I tried tty03 (and
tty00 after removing com[01] from the kernel since I don't have them) and
while I can open the device (it fails if I remove the modem while trying so I
know I have the right device) it will never echo back an AT. This modem was
working on my old ThinkPad so I am pretty sure it is not the problem. Any
D'Arcy J.M. Cain <>