Subject: Re: AMD Power Now!
To: Rhialto <>
From: Jukka Marin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/08/2002 20:08:44
On Sun, Dec 08, 2002 at 06:58:58PM +0100, Rhialto wrote:
> Is AMD Power Now! support being looked at by anybody? I can't seem to
> find any reference to it in current kernels. Strangely enough, there are
> also no references to it at all on AMD's website ( (or at
> least not that I found). The air emitted by my laptop's fan is far
> warmer with NetBSD than than with some unnamed glorified program loader
> from Redmond.
I noticed the same thing after installing zo.. er, xp on an Athlon box.
The CPU barely gets warm, but when I was running NetBSD on the same
machine, CPU temperature was 50...60 °C..