Subject: Re: Linux emulation problem
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: port-i386
Date: 11/20/2002 13:06:51
In article <>,
Christian Groessler <> wrote:
>I've got a Linux - NetBSD dualboot machine. On NetBSD the Linux
>partition is mounted on /linux.
>/emul/linux/lib is a symlink to /linux/lib.
>I can run Linux binaries fine from NetBSD:
>[root@gibbon:/]# /linux/bin/bash
>bash# exit
>But I cannot run them chrooted:
>[root@gibbon:/]# chroot /linux /bin/bash
>chroot: /bin/bash: Exec format error
>Another try:
>[root@gibbon:/]# chroot /linux /tmp/sh # /linux/tmp/sh: netbsd sh
># /bin/bash
>/bin/bash: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting ")")
>Any ideas?
You need to have the /emul/linux hierarchy inside the chroot tree.