Subject: Fwd: Shot my foot off with chmod (the smoking gun)
To: None <>
From: Video Mike <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/30/2002 14:43:06
Dear NetBSD,
Is it possible that there is something buggy with the v1.6 kernel?
I managed to lock all users other than root out of my V1.6 system.
In the name of Internet security, I used chmod to keep etc, home, and oth=
directories and files from being seen from the web. I soon realized that =
could no longer log in as a regular user (which makes perfect sense if I
set the permissions that way):
login: mike
passwd: *********
No home directory /home/cdt!
If I am logged in as root and try this:
# su mike
su: /bin/csh: Permission denied
I have even gone so far as to open up /bin and /etc directories and files
to allow everyone access and still to no avail (chmod -R 777 /etc/* for
example) What did I cripple? I haven't deleted any files or directories =
I know of either. The /home/cdt directory does exist and I allowed acces=
s to=20
user mike, but, still nada. I even did chmod 777 on /bin/csh and /bin an=
still can't log in as mike. I also noted that something writes three com=
in the passwd file every so often and I have to use vipw to take them out=
I even renamed etc to etc.old and re-installed a new etc from the etc.tgz=
same old thing after I used useradd to create an account for testing.
Someone suggested that I use mtree -u to clean things up, but, even after
reading the man page for mtree I am still to much of an idiot to understa=
how to use it in the correct way.
Any help is of course appreciated.
--Video Mike with egg on his face--