Subject: Re: system hang
To: None <>
From: Germano Cesari <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/29/2002 15:57:05
> >ok ok, but (I said I was a newbie :-)) ok the system may be thrashing,
> >but shouldnt it just kill the proc responsible for it, instead of hang
> >dead? how can a 'simple' process crash everything? (really, Id like to
> >understand)
> no, because if it can limp along, it might get better, in which case
> killing something would have been premature.
ok but (Im absolutely not complainig, just wondering :)) when it comes
to a point such that nothing can be further accomplished, shouldnt BSD
kill the process instead of freezing? I mean: is it a bug? is it normal
behaviuour? can a BSD system totally crash just to see if things get
better for a process? sounds strange... it is not related to the kernel
modules vmware needs to run?
anyway, pstat -s tells me wd0b is at 7%, so whats the need of mounting
mfs on /tmp? do this make things faster?
aw, thnx anyway :))
> >**********WARNING*****************
> >beware: stupid questions ahead :-)
> >**********************************
> beware: silly answers ahead ;-)
> >1) I tried mounting mfs on /tmp, but as I did so every application
> >couldn open display :0 (!!), even if I unmounted the mfs, I had to
> >reboot...
> mount the mfs on /tmp before you start x.
> >2) the /tmp is "in use" it seems, since it is not empty... I tried
> >making a new dir and mounting mfs on it, but the problem at point 1
> >persisted
> x puts things there, particularly its lock file, and the local domain
> socket to which :0 refers.
> >3) heres my /etc/fstab
> >
> >/dev/wd0a / ffs rw 1 1
> >/dev/wd0b none swap sw 0 0
> >/dev/wd0e /usr ffs rw 1 2
> you should probably add a line that looks like
> swap /tmp mfs rw,-s=10m 0 0
> so that your mfs gets mounted at boot. that will alleviate a lot of
> problems.
> >but df output is:
> >
> >/dev/wd0a [blah blah blah...]
> >/dev/wd0e [blah blah blah...]
> >
> >mount says:
> >
> >/dev/wd0a on / type ffs (local)
> >/dev/wd0e on /usr type ffs (local)
> >
> >shouldnt df & mount report slice b? if not, IS the system effectively
> >using slice b as swap space?
> the swap partition doesn't get "mounted", per se, just "used". pstat
> -s will tell you to what you're swapping. it will also tell you how
> much has been allocated (even if it's not all being used).
> hmm...i seem to have left out the silly answers and put in only
> sensible ones. drat.
> --
> |-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----|
> * "ah! i see you have the internet
> (Andrew Brown) that goes *ping*!"
> * "information is power -- share the wealth."