Subject: Re: Laptop compatibility report: Thinkpad A31p
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/25/2002 15:53:36
In message <>, "D'Arcy J.M. Cain" writes:
>On October 25, 2002 01:52 am, Peter Seebach wrote:
>> In message <>, Peter Seebach
>> writes
>> >Audio is probed, but silent; still debugging that.
>> Discovery! The ThinkPad has software *AND* hardware volume controls - and
>> mute. If you hit the "mute button", there is *nothing* in software that
>> will unmute it.
>Hmmm. My Toshiba Satellite 1900 doesn't seem to have a mute button.
Then my solution probably won't help you. :( I do have an auvia chipset
with the same problem, but that's likely coincidence.