Subject: Re: Support for 3ware Escalade 7000 series on 1.5 or 1.6? (xs4)
To: Daniel Carosone <>
From: Rogier Krieger <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/07/2002 02:45:33
Hi there Dan,
Previous Correspondence from Daniel Carosone (09:32 7-9-02 +1000):
>Be warned! There were hardware bugs in older escalade cards, and
>the 7000 (iirc) series was withdrawn shortly after initial release,
>to reappear again some months later. They seem to have removed
>reference to older cards from their website last I looked, too.
They indeed did change numbers, it seems. It is only mentioned as 'a
consolidation of' the Escalade 7500 series. Their product listing
incorporates the changes made. I found this document at
[ ].
The desciptions of the changes aren't always as concrete.
Apparently, the performance for RAID5 was improved for some cards. I
can't judge whether it's because of a serious issue (e.g. hardware
bugs) or a minor thing. I don't own such a card yet, that's why I
wanted to find out whether the 7000 series is supported. Since I will
only need RAID1 performance (I know, nothing fancy, but it'll do just
fine) I suspect the simplest card, the 7000-2 is sufficient for me.
Thanks for the heads-up.
"Eagles fly, but weasels don't get caught in jet engines..."