Subject: Re: Backspace vs Delete on Console in 1.5.3
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/06/2002 23:41:24
On Fri, Sep 06, 2002 at 07:02:38PM +0200, der Mouse wrote:
> Now, given _good_ force-reflecting datagloves and a beefy enough cpu to
> run the simulation, it could all be done in software.  However, as I

Mmmmm, ambitious, yes. 

What I want is a keyboard/mousething that is in two pieces. I want
to hold my hands basically in my lap with my fingertips on each hand
pointing at the matching finger on the other hand. The keyboard/mousething
would go in between my hands. 

I still haven't figured out how the mouse would work, though. I just
hate moving my hands from keyboard to mouse and back. It's terrible
on my back -- my upper back is shifted right. 

Um, anyway. 

Oh, and the keyboard on my vt510 (lk450) has a key in the upper right
labeled "Back space". In between the two words is the exact same
drawing as on the vt220/320's lk201. I'm such a packrat. 
Kevin P. Neal                      

"It sounded pretty good, but it's hard to tell how it will work out
in practice." -- Dennis Ritchie, ~1977, "Summary of a DEC 32-bit machine"