Subject: Re: Backspace vs Delete on Console in 1.5.3
To: Christian Hattemer <>
From: Greg A. Woods <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/04/2002 18:28:48
[ On Wednesday, September 4, 2002 at 22:54:04 (+0200), Christian Hattemer wrote: ]
> Subject: Re: Backspace vs Delete on Console in 1.5.3
> Now I know that the "erase" key is backspace, I thought it would be delete.
> I have now set the erase key correctly with stty and it works fine.
Ah, very good!
> One minor annoyance is left: When I connect via telnet from my Amiga, at the
> login prompt backspace still shows as ^H and I have to press delete to
> correct typos. Is there a way to fix this? Once I'm logged in and stty has
> run everything is fine.
> On the ttyE console both backspace and delete work normally at the login
> prompt.
If you were connecting to a normal tty port then you could use the
/etc/gettytab "er" setting to choose a per-port erase char setting.
However for telnetd things can be more complex. If I remember
correctly, normally with a unix telnetd the client does the erase
character processing when in LINEMODE (RFC-1184), and when in
character-at-time mode the "erase" character is negotiated for the
connection based on preferences controlled from the client end. Is your
Amiga running NetBSD? If so then you'll want to do the same stty
commands on it. If not then the issue may be with the telnet client
program you're using.....
> > You can
> > check by running "stty -a" and looking at what it reports as the "erase"
> > character value. You can test this directly by typing and erasing
> > characters first at the shell prompt, and then to a non-interactive
> > program such as "cat".
> How would I do the latter?
Just run "cat" and type some characters and then type what you think is
the erase key. It should erase the last of the characters you typed.
You can of course then exit "cat" by typing a <CTRL-D> at the beginning
of a line (i.e. after typing a newline, aka linefeed, aka ^J), or by
typing the interrupt key (^C or DEL or whatever you have it set to).
Greg A. Woods
+1 416 218-0098; <>; <>
Planix, Inc. <>; VE3TCP; Secrets of the Weird <>