Subject: Re: Altq vs PPP on 1.6_RC1/i386
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Laine Stump <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/30/2002 01:07:10
At 09:02 PM 8/29/2002 +0200, der Mouse wrote:
>I'd also suggest tech-net as a more likely place to ask for help than
>port-i386, unless you have some reason to think the problem is
>i386-specific (and I certainly don't see one in your message).
I thought that the tech-* mailing lists were there for developers (and
aspiring developers) to discuss NetBSD design matters (eg "I propose that
we change the implementation of feature X in the following ways..."), not a
place to ask questions about problems encountered with existing code. Was I