Subject: Re: 1.6_RC1, cdrecord, and mysterious system resets
To: Greg Oster <>
From: Olaf Seibert <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/25/2002 23:29:11
On Sun 25 Aug 2002 at 13:53:01 -0600, Greg Oster wrote:
> I've seen something similar: the first burn goes fine, but the 2nd burn
> would causes the system to hang... (Both burns to CDR's)
I have seen something that may or may not be related: if I have a cd
mounted and blank it (forgetting to unmount it first), very strange
things happen. The mount point changes into a file of a strange size,
etc. And it becomes impossible to unmount, of course.
> Greg Oster
___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert - rhialto@ -- Woe betide the one who feels
\X/ -- remorse without sin - Tom Poes, "Het boze oog", 4444.