Subject: Re: Lidl "Targa Visonary 1800+" laptop
To: Olaf Seibert <>
From: Wojciech Puchar <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/25/2002 09:28:10
> I just saw an advertisement from Lidl (a cheap supermarkt chain in
> Europe, at least in Germany, the Netherlands and Portugal) advertising a
in my practice - avoid supermarkts when buying computers.....
> "Targa Visonary 1800+" laptop for only EUR 1700. It looks like it has
> just about everything you could want, except apparently pcmcia/cardbus
> slots:
> AMD Athlon XP1800+
what's chip-set?
> 512M RAM
> 40G disk
> S3 Savage4 Graphic core up to 32M RAM shared memory
shared with main?!
definitely not acceptable.