Subject: Re: Compaq Armada 4131T video out port
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/24/2002 12:40:23
> I have an Armada 4131T laptop. [...] It has a video out port on it,
> [...] I've hooked it up to my TV and can't get an output.
Are you sure the video produced is supposed to be TV-compatible? Most
computer display modes are much too high-resolution for normal TVs; TV
video is something like Nx500, interlaced. (N does not have a definite
value, as TV video signals are not pixelized horizontally.)
Assuming it really is supposed to be compatible, my guess - and it is
just a guess - would be that what's needed to get it supported is
pretty much the standard "get hardware documentation, time, motivation,
a kernel hacker competent to do the work, and sample hardware all
together at once".
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