Subject: Re: Ultra-light notebook recommendations
To: None <>
From: Bernd Sieker <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/08/2002 12:37:42
On 08.07.02, 12:10:16, Markus Illenseer wrote:
>  Bernd Sieker has NetBSD running on a HP palm-sized machine. His only
> complain is the battery run time when running at full speed and display.
> Maybe he can elaborate.

To elaborate:

I used to have a Compaq 2010c, 640x240 8bit display, which I never
managed to get X running on, it had only about 1 hour battery life and
only one slot (PCMCIA, no dedicated CF slot). It was pretty useless,
and so I quickly sold it again. It could still be called "palm sized",

I now have an IBM z50 (see my other mail), about which the only
complaint is that it is not really fast when needing floating point,
and that it's not really palm sized. Otherwise it's about perfect,
battery life being the biggest plus (7 hours with standard battery, 14
hours with hi-capacity battery.)

My only HP devices (well, Compaq is now HP, but was not at the time I
sold the Compaq 2010c) are three HP 9000 series 400 workstations
(400t, 400s, 433t), running NetBSD. Quite the opposite of handhelds,
these are rather big and heavy machines with full-metal chassis and
case. I estimate between 20 and 25 kg.

> Markus Illenseer

Bernd Sieker

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  Bent Coders
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  Robs DECNet
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