To: None <>
From: Andy Ball <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/01/2002 03:54:20
I've been jumping through hoops today trying to get Mozilla
installed (pkgsrc wanted to download it (3 hours) immediately
after having successfully downloading it once). I though I'd
resort to installing the binary package (walk to office,
download to Zip disk, eventually return home, install Zip drive
on second machine, burn package from Zip onto CD-R for transfer
to the target machine...) and wouldn't you know it, the thing
will not run. It's complaining about the lack of,
which neither myself or pkglocate had heard of. Does anyone
have any idea what I should install in order to get this
library file? I've been potching about for days installing the
listed dependencies, and this wasn't one of them so far as I
could tell.
- Andy Ball.