Subject: Re: install netbsd on remote machine
To: None <>
From: Lili Wang <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/16/2002 20:08:29
Hi, everyone.
Now the problem is that NetBSD can not be booted.=20
Here is the situation. I want to install NetBSD/i386
on a remote machine. FreeBSD is installed on the first
partition ad0s1 and linux is installed on the second partition ad0s2. I hav=
e access to serial control to the machine and can reload the system and r=
eboot the machine even when the system is crashed. Also I can remotely lo=
g in to that machine. But I have no assistance from the local person. So =
I can not use bootable floppy to install NetBSD.=20
Like suggested, I have disklabeled, newfs the partition ad0s2, untared =
the binary sets from ftp and mounted it on /mnt. I used "fdisk -B -b /mnt=
/usr/mbr ad0" to install the boot code. When I chose to boot the system
from partition 2 , the boot process stalled. I guess
that I need to rebuild the first sector of the NetBSD partition(ad0s2). Doe=
s anyone know how to do that.
I really appreciate it if you could help.
Thanks in advance. =20
-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Altschaffel <>
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 18:11:05 +0000
Subject: Re: install netbsd on remote machine
Could you login to the FreeBSD System ?
You could disklabel and newfs the linux fs and then untar the sets from the=
netbsd-cd/ftp therein.
After you rebuild the bootsector this should work.
regards, robert