Subject: Re: NE2000 ethernet (was: A clearer explanation...)
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/04/2002 12:32:29
In article <>,
Richard Rauch <> wrote:
>> > Re.
>> >
>> > I have an NE2000 PCIMCIA 10/100 card in my laptop. If memory serves, ne1
>> > and ne2 both get mentioned in dmesg, but only one is actually configured
>> > (why ne0 never, ever shows up is a mystery).
> [...]
>> > On a cold boot, the card really gets bound to ne2. It literally
>> > alternates from ne2 to ne1 and back again on successive warm boots. WHen
> [...]
>> Can you send dmesg messages, when it probed as ne1, and when it's probed
>> as ne2 ?
>Okay, for the sake of posterity of the list, I'll include the full dmesg.
>(Disinterested parties should skip/delete. (^&) I also warmbooted again,
>and diff'ed the second warmboot against the coldboot dmesg. Those dmesg's
>were identical. Below are the complete dmesg's, coldboot first.
>Oh, one minor correction: ne1 does *not* seem to be mentioned on
>``functioning'' (ethernet-wise) boots. ne1 and ne2 both get mentioned on
>the alternate boots.
comment out the "ne1 at isa?" line from your configuration. Apparently,
during warm boot the pcmcia stuff is still active and the isa probe