Subject: Re: SV: Is there plans of support for DAC960P(scsi raid), BT-950R(scsi cont.)?
To: Kim <>
From: Nathan J. Williams <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/31/2002 15:55:28
"Kim" <> writes:
> Hi, again!
> I was trying to install NetBSD with no luck.. =/
> Fdisk said something like : /dev/rwd0d not configured..
It's important to know what did happen. When you boot, are there
messages about "mlx0 at ..." or "ld0 at ..." or other similar
messages? From sysinst's utility menu you cna get to a shell, and run
"more /kern/msgbuf" to look at the boot messages at your leisure.
- Nathan