Subject: Re: Problems with NetBSD v1.5.2 and KDE v2.1
To: None <>
From: Ib-Michael Martinsen <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/24/2002 12:31:40
It seems I have lost my subscription to the i386 mailing list some
weeks ago. All mail I have received mail has been sent directly to me.
This is my latest reply to Richard Rauch which I forgot to Cc:
to the mailing list.
It also serves as a test for me to see that I have reactivated my
subscription correctly.
Hi Richard, you wrote:
> Did you ever get your KDE problems sorted out?
No, unfortunately not. At the moment I am using
xset s 500 15 noblank expose
for a "screenblanker".
> This is with KDE2 built from pgsrc sometime earlier this month (and a
> fairly fresh pkgsrc, if memory serves).
I donwload'ed the KDE bin-packages in the beginning of January, so
they are not the newest one. Last time I looked it seemed to me that
the bin-packages have not been updated. I might try to recompile KDE,
but it takes a lot of time, which I do not have plenty of.
And before I do that I have a lot of other things I need or want
to set up (automatic backup, ssh, dhclient, IPNAT, Samba, etc.).
> ``I probably don't know what I'm talking about.''
I would not say that. So far you have been right :-)
Kind regards
email at home:
email at work:
Running NetBSD/i386 v1.5.2