Subject: linux emulation - what's the strange ELF?
To: None <>
From: Wojciech Puchar <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/23/2002 19:35:16
i tried to install FlagShip demo (XBase compatible unix compiler) for
just unpacked everything into /usr/local.
Lots of sample programs works, but the compiler binaries does not
wojtek@chylonia$ FlagShip_c
/usr/local/bin/FlagShip_c: 1: Syntax error: word unexpected (expecting
wojtek@chylonia$ FlagShip_m
/usr/local/bin/FlagShip_m: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
wojtek@chylonia$ FlagShip_p
/usr/local/bin/FlagShip_p: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected
when i used file to check it:
/usr/local/bin/FlagShip_c: ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version
1, statically linked (uses shared libs), stripped
what it is?! and is it possible to make it work?
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