Subject: Re: backspace problem when using vi
To: Jonathan <>
From: Andy R <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/20/2002 14:48:11
--- Jonathan <> wrote:
> Thanks Andy, that worked :)
> Jonathan
> > You don't really need the backspace key though.
> 'h' is
> > back in command mode (equivalent to the back
> arrow).
> > 'x' is backspace with character deletion.
> Originally
> > vi didn't use the backspace key if I remember
> correct.
> > 
> > Andy

A little history on vi (and vi historians can correct
me here), the intent was that the command interface
needed to use keys that existed on every keyboard. All
the letters are obviously there. By not using
backspace or delete or any of the other stuff you
don't find on every keyboard (we are pre-dating the PC
era here). That way, problems like you mention
wouldn't happen. 

However, later versions of vi incorporated more keys
so they work if your mapping is right. If it's wrong,
just fall back on the way vi was "meant" to be used!


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