Subject: Re: backspace problem when using vi
To: None <,>
From: Andy R <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/19/2002 13:29:33
--- wrote:
> Hi guys, im a bsd newbie so help me please! . I ran
> the chsh
> command to change the shell and when i hit the
> backspace in vi
> (while in interactive mode) it gives me an error
> saying ^?
> isn't a vi command. I think i need to remap my
> keyboard. But
> where do i do it? (btw Im not running XWindows). I
> already
> tried changing the term variable and it still doesnt
> let me
> backspace while im in vi. Thanks in advance
You don't really need the backspace key though. 'h' is
back in command mode (equivalent to the back arrow).
'x' is backspace with character deletion. Originally
vi didn't use the backspace key if I remember correct.
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