, Urban Boquist <urban@boquist.net>
From: David Friggens <david.friggens@vuw.ac.nz>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/19/2002 11:55:17
I've been using Opera 5, and more recently 6, on Windoze for a little while
now and noticed a number of minor but annoying problems, such as images not
fully loading, so it could be non-platform specific problems. I have had a
few occurences of pages not loading fully, but can't remember any specifics.
I've been disappointed with the noticable decrease in speed from 5 to 6 as
well as the failure to fix some of the page loading bugs, forcing me to view
some pages in Netscape. This is part of the reason why I haven't been
bothered to sort out the problems I had trying to compile Opera on NetBSD.
I've been using Netscape and Konquerer mostly but I ought to try and get
Opera running.