Subject: Re: Problems with NetBSD v1.5.2 and KDE v2.1
To: Ib-Michael Martinsen <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/18/2002 14:07:58
> > I always install with the system installer. I've never had the problems
> > that you describe. I've run most, almost all, releases and patch-releases
> > since 1.3.
> I use it too, sometimes. But I am running on a dual-booting disk,
> so I like to have full control (? :-) with what is happening.
I can see that, I suppose. (^&
> > Re. KDE: I get the same problem with the tasklist feature. But the
> > screen-saver looks like it's working. (I was able to
> > browse/select/configure/test the screensavers; I didn't actually leave the
> > machine idle long enough for the saver to come up.)
> I do not follow your choice of menus, what application are you using?
> I click the Kicon-Preferences-Look & Feel-Screensaver and get the
I'm not at home and the next 48 to 72 hours will probably be busy. But I
went through the control panel, I think, off of the main menu. Probably I
went down the look-and-feel tree from there. If that doesn't help any and
you can wait a few days, feel free to ask again. More than likely,
someone else can tell you a way that works for them before I have time to
get into KDE again. (I really *need* to wall myself off from the 'net
pretty much for a few days. (^&)
Good luck.
``I probably don't know what I'm talking about.''