Subject: Re: Problems with NetBSD v1.5.2 and KDE v2.1
To: None <>
From: Ib-Michael Martinsen <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/17/2002 15:25:16
Hello Wojciech Puchar, you wrote:
 > >
 > > Ordinary users could not use vi, so I had to set
 > > chmod -R a+wt /var/tmp
 > >
 > > Ordinary users could not use /tmp, so I had to set
 > > chmod a+wt /tmp
 > >
 > > Ordinary users could not ping, so I had to set
 > > chmod u+s /sbin/ping
 > >
 > > The /etc/dhclient-script was missing, so I had to use a v1.5 copy.
 > how did you installed it? sysinst or tar or other?
 > every time i install NetBSD 1.5.2 these permissions are set right

I used tar and extracted the files directly from binary/sets/*tgz
to final destination. I have had the need to make the above changes
in v1.4.2, v1.5 and v1.5.2. If I look in the tar-files the permissions
are set without the above corrections. Of course it could be errors
in the iso-images I have download'ed

My daily insecurity report also shows:

Checking special files and directories.
        gid (13, 0)
        user (66, 0)
        gid (1, 0)
        user (66, 0)
        gid (1, 0)
        permissions (01777, 0755)
missing: ./etc/mk.conf

So I guess I also should set

chown -R games /usr/games/hide
chown -R uucp.daemon /var/spool/uucp*
chmod a+wt /var/spool/uucppublic

(because user games has id 13 and user uucp has id 66)
and find a suitable mk.conf file somewhere.

But I really think these things ought to be done in the distribution.

Kind regards
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Running NetBSD/i386 v1.5.2