Subject: Re: Wantet: Info about package cds
To: None <,>
From: Andy R <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/07/2002 13:16:28
--- wrote:
> Hi. I'm a linux user and want to switch over to
> NetBsd because I'll get the
> Cd's next week. But I wanna know which packages are
> on which Cd's, because I
> can't just install everything because I have only a
> 1.9Gb Partition free.
> So if someone could tell me a link to an Index or
> so, I would be thankful.
I'm going to go out on a limb here, but it seems you
are thinking in Linux as far as the install. NetBSD
(and the other BSD's for that matter) consist of some
installation sets that give you certain parts of the
OS. Look at the description of the installation sets
first. These are what are considered the "base OS" and
it's a different feel than Linux. With Linux, there is
no "base OS" because Linux is just the kernel. So you
either have to go with some pre-packaged install, or
you can choose every single piece of software on the
With NetBSD, you get a very functional "base OS" right
out of the box. Packages are 3rd party apps that are
not maintained by the core group of developers. Stuff
they decided doesn't need to be included to make a
solid Unix OS in other words.
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