Subject: Re: XFree86 4.2.0
To: Mark Davies <>
From: Noriyuki Soda <>
List: port-i386
Date: 03/04/2002 19:32:45
>>>>> On Mon, 04 Mar 2002 23:06:48 +1300,
Mark Davies <> said:
>> IIRC Martin (?) did some signal-related fixes after 4.2.0 was
>> imported. Can you try to compile & run with never xsrc/xfree?
> We also see XFree86 4.2.0 core dumping quite often with similar backtraces:
> This was with a freshly updated xsrc built from todays sources. I
> currently have a repeatable way of causing it. Trying to view a
> particular email message (that wants to use a korean font) in exmh
> knocks my X server over just about every time.
Iwamoto-san and I saw this symptom frequently at least since
XFree86-4.1.0 (or perhaps even 4.0.x).
The following patch (for 4.1.0) from iwamoto-san fixes this symptom:
But this patch isn't incorporated into our tree.
(This patch simply disables a new feature of XFree86-4.x.)
There is another patch for this problem as follows:
And this one seems to be already incorporated into XFree86-4.2.0 and
our xsrc tree. But unfortunetely it seems this one doesn't really fix
the symptom.
As you see in the backtrace, this symptom often happens while scaling
a large (i.e. 16bit) font. So, only chinese, korean, taiwanese and
japanese users may notice this problem usually...