Subject: Re: New IDE controller.
To: Bill Sommerfeld <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/24/2002 14:38:51
> By any chance, do you have "ls" aliased to something like "ls -F", or
Actually, I have ``lk'' aliased to ``ls -aF''.
> are you using something like the "color ls"? Either of those will
> cause ls to "stat" every file in the directory, which might cause some
> seeking all over the disk.
> That alias would likely not be in effect in single-user mode and might
It's only in effect on my ``rkr'' normal account, and maybe my ``rauch''
sandbox account.
I don't think that this explains everything, though (maybe I haven't
mentioned these):
(a) I'm pretty sure that I've tried plain ``ls'' (e.g., from root
logins, when I plan on doing something like building a new kernel). root
doesn't have that alias, so I have to use ls.
(b) It doesn't begin to explain why things like starting X or Navigator
take ~10 times as long to do on my Athlon (where I'm having these
problems) as on my (much slower) laptop.
There is definitely something odd about the disk performance. I
appreciate the tip re. the ls -F option, but...there's something deeper
afoot here.
``I probably don't know what I'm talking about.''