Subject: Kernel Page Fault
To: None <>
From: iware <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/01/2002 11:26:10
I have NetBSD-1.5.2 installed on an i386 machine.
Since I install the Compaq WL110 wireless card, the machine hangs every 8 or
9 days. This is what it displayed
uvm_fault (0xeo4da980, 0xfffddp9,0,1)
kernel = page fault pages code = 0
stopped at _pmap_copy_page +0x180
Is this to do with the stability of the memory chips because it is an old
Pent II machine the hardware may not be very reliable. Or is it largely to
do with the wireless card cause I read the BSD guide which mentioned about
the memory allocation problem with the wireless card.
David Kwok