Subject: Re: RAIDframe question
To: None <>
From: Christoph Kaegi <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/28/2002 08:24:17
On 2002.01.28 15:31, Jack Morgan wrote:
> >From Peter Clarks "Configuring RAID on NetBSD" article,
> he recommends making a small boot partition. But, according
> to the 1.5.2 install docs, it says: Support for booting from
> RAIDframe RAID1 mirrors on i386 added. Can I safely assume
> this means root/boot on raid will work fine, or is it still
> recommended to to have a separate /boot?
Booting off RAID1 mirrors is supported, but with 1.5.2, installboot
still can't write the 1st and 2nd stage boot loaders to a RAIDFrame
device. You will have to apply some magic there.
You can look at how I did mirror my existing NetBSD Installation
Christoph Kaegi