Subject: Re: Compaq IPAQ IA-1
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: port-i386
Date: 12/25/2001 12:46:18
In message <>, Andreas Gustafsson writes:
>Peter Seebach writes:
>> 1. You *MUST* turn off "USB Legacy Keyboard" in the BIOS.
>How does one get into the BIOS on the IA-1? I read somewhere that
>pressing the "compaq" key on the wireless keyboard during boot should
>do it, but I can't get it to work - all I get is a "keyboard error"
Right - you have to have reset the CMOS first, by shorting the CMOS jumpers
for at least 60 seconds. I think you may have to plug the unit in once while
the jumpers are shorted, *then* give it 60 seconds.
Then, you still get the keyboard error message, but it should go into the
BIOS and ask what language you want to use.